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Programming POI Events

This chapter explains the main POI events. For a complete list, see the PoiService reference.

NavVis IVION uses the typed-signals library to emit and handle events.

Download the POI Events sample project here.

Opening and Closing POIs

Opening and closing events are emitted when the POI details panel is opened or closed. To respond to these events, connect your event handlers to the following signals:

  • onPoiOpen
  • onPoiClose

Saving and Deleting POIs

Repository actions also emit signals, for example, when POIs are created, updated or deleted.

When creating and updating POIs, the following signal is used:

  • onPoiSave

When deleting POIs, the following signal is used:

  • onPoiDelete

Using Mouse Events

Similar to standard HTML DOM Events, NavVis IVION emits events when you move the mouse pointer over or out of a POI, or when you click on a POI. These events are emitted from both the panorama and map views.

To respond to these events, connect your event handlers to the following signals:

  • onPoiClick
  • onPoiMouseOver
  • onPoiMouseOut

Highlighting POIs

POIs are highlighted when the titles of POIs are displayed in the panorama or map views. Note that several POIs can be highlighted.

To respond to these events, connect your event handlers to the following signals:

  • onPoisHighlight
  • onPoisUnhighlight